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- Dec 22 Sat 2007 10:16
- Dec 28 Wed 2016 22:16
發布日期:2015-07-27 發布單位:雪管處一、 本處生態保護區登山路線依據活動天數、危險地形及雪季期間,分成A、B、C、C+、D、E級共6級,說明如下:
- Jul 14 Thu 2011 09:43
轉貼~抗生素 台大 李秉穎醫師
- May 04 Wed 2011 09:50
- Apr 27 Wed 2011 01:22
急重症FB讀書會~普拿疼中毒~Rumack-Matthew nomogram
【Rumack-Matthew nomogram】The original nomogram line separating possible toxicity from unlikely toxicity was based on a 4-hour ACT level of 200 micrograms/mL (1300 micromoles/L), but was subsequently modified in the U.S. by the FDA by moving the line to a 4-hour ACT level of 150 micrograms/mL (1000 micromoles/L) to increase the safety ⋯⋯margin for treatment decisions. The nomogram only directly applies to an ACT level obtained after a single exposure and during the window between 4 and 24 hours postingestion. Outcome prediction using this nomogram cannot be applied to ACT levels obtained outside this 20-hour window or with chronic or recurrent exposures.
- Apr 27 Wed 2011 00:52
急重症FB讀書會~ 普拿疼中毒劑量
【普 拿疼】成人acetaminophen中毒劑量:(1) >10 g or 200 mg/kg as a single ingestion, (2) >10 g or 200 mg/kg over a 24-hour period, or (3) >6 g or 150 mg/kg per 24-hour period for at least 2 consecutive days. 只要病人自訴服用了 >12 g,就有 30% 病人的 4-hr ACT level 會 >200 mg/dL 及 6% 會出現 hepatotoxicity. [Tintinalli-7, Chp 184]
- Oct 16 Fri 2009 22:31
是否一定要將本人戶籍遷入自有房屋,才有可能適用自用住宅稅率課徵屋屋稅 |
文 / 站務15 | 【台灣法律網】 |
- Oct 16 Fri 2009 22:24
台灣法律網 房屋係供作自用住宅使用,且房屋稅係按住家稅率課徵,為何土地仍按一般用地稅率課徵地價稅?
- Sep 04 Fri 2009 18:35
[新聞]明年舉債破五千億,創史上單年新高 2009-09-04